M5.6 - 65km S of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-06-20 05:32:16 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
65km (40mi) S of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
2530km (1572mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2772km (1722mi) ESE of Punta Arenas, Chile
2772km (1722mi) SE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2128km (1322mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
Magnitude mb 5.6
Date time 2015-06-20 05:32:16.3 UTC
Location 59.69 S ; 26.56 W
Depth 125 km
Distances 3498 km SE of Montevideo, Uruguay / pop: 1,270,737 / local time: 02:32:16.3 2015-06-20
3618 km SE of Buenos Aires, Argentina / pop: 13,076,300 / local time: 02:32:16.3 2015-06-20
4330 km SE of Santiago, Chile / pop: 4,837,295 / local time: 02:32:16.3 2015-06-20
M5.3 - Scotia Sea
Time 2015-07-01 18:24:42 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
517km (321mi) WSW of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
2043km (1269mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2287km (1421mi) SE of Punta Arenas, Chile
2295km (1426mi) SE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
1691km (1051mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M4.8 - 172km E of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-08 07:08:31 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
172km (107mi) E of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
2716km (1688mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2951km (1834mi) SE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2956km (1837mi) ESE of Punta Arenas, Chile
2293km (1425mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M5.1 - 162km WSW of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-08 07:15:55 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
162km (101mi) WSW of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
2386km (1483mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2625km (1631mi) SE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2627km (1632mi) ESE of Punta Arenas, Chile
1983km (1232mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M4.8 - 80km ENE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-08 22:25:59 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
80km (50mi) ENE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
2620km (1628mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2852km (1772mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2860km (1777mi) ESE of Punta Arenas, Chile
2190km (1361mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M5.0 - 148km N of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-10 16:03:22 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
148km (92mi) N of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2597km (1614mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2783km (1729mi) ESE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
2786km (1731mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2065km (1283mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M5.1 - 168km NW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-12 10:35:57 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
168km (104mi) NW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2493km (1549mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2678km (1664mi) ESE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
2681km (1666mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
1960km (1218mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M4.6 - East of the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-12 17:33:09 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
461km (286mi) ESE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
2947km (1831mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
3192km (1983mi) SE of Punta Arenas, Chile
3201km (1989mi) SE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2571km (1598mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M5.3 - 106km NW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-13 20:16:08 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
106km (66mi) NW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2499km (1553mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2694km (1674mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2703km (1680mi) SE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
1982km (1232mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M4.9 - 60km NNW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-07-22 15:18:42 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
60km (37mi) NNW of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2546km (1582mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2744km (1705mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2758km (1714mi) SE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
2036km (1265mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
Magnitude mb 4.9
Date time 2015-07-26 13:47:59.2 UTC
Location 55.62 S ; 27.61 W
Depth 31 km
Distances 3176 km SE of Montevideo, Uruguay / pop: 1,270,737 / local time: 10:47:59.2 2015-07-26
3313 km SE of Buenos Aires, Argentina / pop: 13,076,300 / local time: 10:47:59.2 2015-07-26
4113 km SE of Santiago, Chile / pop: 4,837,295 / local time: 10:47:59.2 2015-07-26
M5.0 - 82km ENE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-08-07 17:39:27 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
82km (51mi) ENE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2632km (1635mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2836km (1762mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2855km (1774mi) SE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
2132km (1325mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M4.8 - 117km NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-08-07 18:59:22 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
117km (73mi) NNE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2604km (1618mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2797km (1738mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2801km (1740mi) ESE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
2081km (1293mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M5.1 - 76km NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-08-18 11:53:29 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
76km (47mi) NE of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
2607km (1620mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2807km (1744mi) ESE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2820km (1752mi) SE of Puerto Deseado, Argentina
2099km (1304mi) ESE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
M4.9 - 79km SE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
Time 2015-08-21 05:41:42 (UTC)
Nearby Cities
79km (49mi) SE of Bristol Island, South Sandwich Islands
2591km (1610mi) ESE of Ushuaia, Argentina
2832km (1760mi) SE of Rio Gallegos, Argentina
2833km (1760mi) ESE of Punta Arenas, Chile
2186km (1358mi) SE of Stanley, Falkland Islands
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